Red Envelope Tradition

Thank you for honoring the red envelope tradition.

The giving and receiving of the red envelopes are a century-old tradition. This Chinese tradition is rooted in Chinese folk and culture, symbolizing good luck. The rectangular shape resembles ancient shields representing protection. Money is exchanged this way on special occasions, such as weddings or Chinese New Year.

In Western or BTB Feng Shui, when a consultant shares sacred wisdom and mystical cures, one or more red envelopes are presented for their service. The practice varies by the consultant, and some require the fee plus red envelopes while others ask for a particular number of envelopes, leaving the amount up to you.

Multiples of nine are auspicious, twenty-seven is a strong feng shui number, and 108 is very auspicious. Customarily you place one or more dollars in each envelope and give any combination of nine. You can also place one or more coins in each envelope, adding weight, also very auspicious. Your intentions of the envelopes and the weight of the money strengthens the intention of your service. A monetary offering presented in red envelopes shows appreciation for the exchange of information and guidance. The red envelopes energetically protect both the giver and receiver.

Traditionally red envelopes:

  1. Show the giver’s sincere intention, appreciation, and respect for the sacred knowledge shared.
  2. Protect the practitioner from harm for inappropriately or naively revealing secret information.
  3. Strengthen and increase the effectiveness of the information given.
  4. Acknowledge the integrity of the working relationship.

Before your consultation, take the time to prepare your red envelopes, reflecting on your intentions and desired outcomes. As you fill the envelopes, visualize your desires and express gratitude.

Money is a carrier of energy, as ancient wisdom is learned and experienced, not purchased. The red envelope tradition expresses respect and sincerity for the expert’s knowledge as well as for feng shui practices and traditions.

The feng shui consultant takes the red envelopes home and blesses them to strengthen and increase the effectiveness of the information shared. The blessing and a nine-day ritual harnesses ancient wisdom empowering the information that was exchanged.

Red envelopes can be purchased, or you can make them out of red paper. Any new, unused red envelope works perfectly.

As we end the consultation or workshop, we will have an exchange of the red envelope as it is seen as a great honor as a person consciously wishes good things for you by giving you the red envelope. I do ask that you provide envelopes in multiples of nine. Utilize the Bagua and create an intention for each gua as a guide.

This step completes the consultation or workshop by connecting your intentions to our session, sending your intentions to the universe with sincerity, and confirming your intentions and life’s desires. This exchange is a circle of energy protecting both you and me.

If your consultation or workshop is virtual, you can mail the envelopes to the address provided.

Reference: Feng Shui Red Envelope Tradition -


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