Feng Shui Your Bed

The bed is essential for your energy and success.  The bed represents your energy, supports your body’s rest at night, supports your dreams, and helps you manifest your desires. 

When you have the proper headboard, you will feel supported in life, sleep well, and feel like you can conquer the world! 

Your bed needs to be in the command position.  Simply put, you need to be able to see the main door while lying in bed.  This is so important. You want your nervous system to rest at night.  When you are not in command, subconsciously, you will be on alert.  This is hard-wired in our brains, the fight or flight response. 

Want to Manifest Your Best Life? 

Start With Your Bed.

the command position

Your bed needs to be in the command position.  Simply put, you need to be able to see the main door while lying in bed. 

How is the foundation of your life, do you feel supported, do you feel stable?  Your bed is the foundation of your life.

Your bed needs to be up off the floor.  When your mattress is on the floor, you won’t feel like you have a foundation.  I have seen this example many times, especially with teens and young adults.  They think it is cool to have the mattress thrown on the floor.  You see the effects rather quickly.  Self-esteem issues, lack of energy, drive, and so on.  You want the bed off the floor so you have a stable foundation where the chi/energy can circulate around you at night while you are sleeping, rejuvenating your body.

If you are wanting to create a relationship with balance, then you need to apply these two tips.  Ideally, you want the bed accessible from both sides. 

Your bed should be placed so you and your partner can easily get in and out.  I can get a good sense of a relationship during a consultation from the bedroom setup.  You want two nightstands and décor equal in size, they don’t need to match.  If you are single and have only one nightstand, add a second with the intention of calling in a partner.  When a bed is pushed up against a wall, you may find in the relationship that one of the individuals feels trapped, or “up against a wall,” overall struggling with the relationship.  Create balance, equality, and a space for both of you.

This is a little different for children; some kids like to have the bed slide up to the wall, which brings them comfort.  Just make sure your kids have a solid bed frame and headboard.

I recommend avoiding having a bed “hanging” in a room.  This seems to be common in nurseries, which may cause insecurities and difficulties sleeping.  This seems to be common in nurseries, which may cause insecurities and difficulties sleeping for your infant.  


Bunkbeds are not ideal.  The individual on the bottom may experience unseen pressure and headaches.

What makes a great headboard?  Remember these three things.

  • Solid

  • Tall

  • Supportive

Wood or wood frame and fabric are the best material for your headboard.

Metal is a conductor of energy and could lead to fitful disturbed sleep or headaches.  I found this to be very true with my daughter.  When she moved out of her crib to her big girl bed, we gave her an old metal bed that had been in the family for generations.  The headboard was not only metal, but it had wide gaps between each spindle. Any bed with slates, holes, and cutouts in the headboard can siphon and drain your energy, and the goal is to accumulate energy at night.  You may end up feeling more tired and even agitated in the mornings.  She used to sleep so well when in her crib, but once she transitioned out of her crib into the bed with a metal headboard, she could not sleep.  We moved our daughter to a lovely bed with a solid fabric headboard, and she began sleeping more soundly and loves her bed!  

Low headboards can make you feel insecure, uncomfortable, not supported, and stressed in your daily life.  This is one you should explore if you have someone who is ill or in a nursing home.  Many medical facilities’ beds have a low headboard, which this is one place you want to feel supported.  Get creative with your solutions in this situation, possibly placing something on the wall behind the bed, anything to provide the perception of height and structure.  Once you find something that will work, be sure to set your intention, this should make a world of difference.  If you have this issue at home, you could use pillows.  Create the support by placing them tall against the low headboard, leaving them on the bed overnight.

Storage beds are excellent for small spaces but can be an overload of energy.  Most of the time, there is too much going on, and this type of bed may promote clutter.  If you need a storage bed, create an organizing system for your belongings.  Be on purpose and try to pick items that are more benign, like clothing.  I would avoid books or records, things with words.  Words have energy and a lot of energy, and they may affect your sleep. 

My favorite style

Personally, I think the best headboard is one that is tall and upolstered. 

So I can lean and read at night.

Growing up, I had a bunk bed in a room I shared with my sister.  We moved it from wall to wall, and we even had it in the middle of the room “hanging.”  Bunkbeds are not ideal for anyone. Looking back, I understand why I moved the room around so much because I didn’t feel grounded – I was the one on the top bunk.  The person on the bottom bunk will feel pressure.  This goes for anything over your head, including storage units and slanted ceilings.  When something is over you, you may feel like there is pressure from above.  The person on the top will feel ungrounded and unsupported, which could lead to insecurities.  

Split headboards or bedframes are not ideal for relationships.  This creates a symbolic line down the middle, separating the two individuals.  Avoid a headboard that splits. There is a simple Feng Shui cure if you have a bed with two box springs or two mattresses.  When the bed is together, lay a red sheet across the bed under your sheets, creating a single bed.  In Feng Shui, we call this a transcendental cure.  You will want to set an intention when placing the sheet or unity and oneness.     

Are you ready to make the changes to your bed? 

Transform your sleep and feel like you can conquer the world! 

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